On 15 August 2012 22:28, Fae faenwp@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks James. In light of this I'll unsubscribe from this list until such a time as the risks for new subscribers are made completely clear on joining.
The current text, both on the page and in the joining message, is:
This is a public mailing list for Wikimedians in the UK. It covers UK-specific subjects and events, including but not only work by the chapter, Wikimedia UK.
As a public mailing list, any e-mail you send to this list will be immediately published by being cascaded to whomever has subscribed to the list, and a copy included in multiple public archives (both Wikimedia-controlled and third-party, not under any Wikimedia control) for all time. There is no real possibility of removing such information from the Internet once it is sent, so please be cautious in what you say about yourself and others if you have any privacy concerns.
Does this pretty much cover it?
Any public list for UK Wikimedians would exist under the same constraints (i.e., if you say something on the Internet then you've said it on the Internet) and a private list would be precisely secure as the most malicious (or, in their own lights, freedom-fighting) person who'd joined it.
If you have ideas on practical measures to run a list that doesn't suffer the general security problem of cut'n'paste fairies, this would be useful knowledge.
- d.