On Mon, September 25, 2006 01:14, Andrew Gray wrote:
I note the announcement for WM07 said that WM08 would be bid for and decided on this winter (presumably so we can get 18, not 10, months lead-time for these events in future); are people planning to roll-over the London 2007 bid for the 2008 contest?
Yes, it is intended that bidding for WM08 will open shortly, however as we noted in our bid for WM07 we consider it to be almost impossible to bid for a conference more than 12 months away as we (a) can't get prices, (b) can't get primises - universities have told us that they can only book for the next year for their facilities and halls of residence, and (c) the statement was made on the release of the decision that it was, in part, made because Taipei had already raised substantial sponshop (or at least they professed to having done so). We've found that whilst we can get some "provisional intent to support" before being awarded the conference we can't get anything substantial and *definite* in advance, let alone two years in advance. After all, what marketing campaign is going to commit to something over two years out that might not even happen.
Anyway, for the moment it is time for a rest and recuperation from the intensse work the team has undertaken - and I'd especially like to add a personal thankyou to Sam Kuper for all his work.