Thanks, some excellent points there. To ensure they are not overlooked I’ve copied your entire text, below, to the talk page [1]. Hope that’s OK.
On 16 Apr 2014, at 19:53, Charles Matthews wrote:
There's the old DREWS acronym from How Wikipedia Works. to which I'd now add T for traffic. In other words there are six factors that an experienced human would use to analyse quality, looking in particular for warning signs.
D = Discussion: crunch the talk page (20 archives = controversial, while no comments indicates possible neglect) R = WikiProject rating, FWIW, if there is one. E = Edit history. A single editor, or essentially only one editor with tweaking, is a warning sign. (Though not if it is me, obviously) W = Writing. This would take some sort of text analysis. Work to do here. Includes detection of non-standard format, which would suggest neglect by experienced editors. S = Sources. Count footnotes and so on. T = Traffic. Pages at 100 hits per month are not getting many eyeballs. Warning sign. Very high traffic is another issue.
Seems to me that there is enough to bite on, here.