On Fri, September 19, 2008 09:46, Delphine Ménard wrote:
My experience is that people are always much happier to give "home" (ie. in the UK) because it's easier/cheaper/cooler. So while the lack of tax-deductibility status might hinder the first year, I am convinced that Wikimedia UK will start off with a lot of money. Actually, you should be ready for it and start thinkng about cool projects to channel donations asap.
We we were just starting to get WMUK going a year or two back we were approached by the Charities Aid Foundation completely out of the blue. They act as intermediaries between donors small and large and the organisations the donors want to give to. Though we were given no details at all of what might be on offer to us we tried very hard to get the bank to be in a position to cash their cheque we couldn't and, in the end, I believe the WMF got involved instead and I heard no more about it.
I've talked with more than a few business leader types about what they could do for/with WMUK. Just don't think small ...