Inspired by the recent legal discussions on foundation-l, I've had an idea for something the chapter could usefully do. It's not something we'll be able to do any time soon (it would certainly require a bank account! [any progress on that recently?]), but I'll probably forget it, so I'll suggest it now.
We should hire a lawyer. In addition to handling legal stuff for the chapter they would be able to advise the foundation and appropriate communities (where practical) on issues of UK law. Currently the foundation's only legal expert, Mike, is purely a US lawyer and, AFAIK, has no experience with other jurisdictions. That's not a great situation for a foundation involved in activities all over world. Obviously, the WMF cannot hire a lawyer from every country in the world, but individual chapters can hire lawyers for their country and offer their services to the foundation. I think doing so would be an excellent use of chapter funds (once we have some, that is).