2009/7/12 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com:
2009/7/12 Andrew Turvey andrewrturvey@googlemail.com:
The Victoria and Albert Museum worked with us on the Wikipedia Loves Art project - that involved licensing photographs of their work under CC-BY-SA.
Yep. Who worked on that from our side?
My interest, fairly obviously, is the NPG matter. I really want to see if we can find someone there who we can negotiate anything acceptable to the Wikimedia community and free culture in general. Speaking entirely as myself, i.e. a contributor, WMF volunteer (no actual power) and not actually a WMUK rep any more (which is good in the context of legal threats flying about).
That we had a successful exercise with the V&A and will praise them to the skies at every opportunity is an excellent example in our favour, for example.
There's also that the NPG is a government department. That means every action - every line in that lawyer's letter - they have to be able to justify in terms of their remit. They don't get to do bad things in a good cause.
There's all sorts of things to talk about, as very very nicely as possible ... if there's anyone sane there and they aren't entirely staffed by the art gallery equivalent of General Jack D. Ripper.
- d.