Hi Harry
That sounds like fun! Perhaps you could have funded prizes, even if the activity is online and asynchronous? I know Lea at WMDE is happy to respond to emails and questions - she's on lea.lacroix_ext@wikimedia.de or @Auregann on Telegram.
The page has a list of activities that can be funded, as follows, but I'm guessing this isn't totally exhaustive:
- Rent a space to organize an onsite event - Rent or buy the necessary equipment to run a presentation or a workshop (laptops and other devices, screen, furniture, etc.) - Provide the internet connection needed for an onsite event - Cover for the transport and accommodation costs of organizers, speakers and participants - Provide food and refreshments during an onsite event (including birthday cake!) - Cover for the needs of participants: data plan, power supplies, childcare, food, etc. - Communication costs: design, print, advertisement - Merchandising for participants and organizers: printing stickers, T-shirts, etc. - Prizes for contests - Compensation for well-defined roles that do not replace volunteer activities, for example graphic design, training, speaker fees, translation, project management, administrative tasks. - Administrative fees that are expected to be required to receive the bank transfer from a German bank account, or to distribute funds to other entities.
Hope that helps - all best Lucy
On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 at 15:18, Harry Mitchell hjmwiki@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Lucy,
Apologies if this is answered somewhere. Is tyere a particular type of event they had in mind?
For example, I've been looking at WikiShootMe and noticing lots of red circles where we do have photos on Commons but nobody has connected them. An organised drive could be fun and useful for Wiki Loves Monuments but I'm not sure how well that translates into an in-person event.
On Wed, 28 Aug 2024, 13:18 Lucy Crompton-Reid, < lucy.crompton-reid@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
Dear Wikidata folks
With Wikidata's 12th birthday coming up at the end of October, Wikimedia Deutschland is running a microgrant programme to support birthday events, with a deadline of this Sunday. Grants will be for 100 - 1000 Euros and details of how to apply etc are here https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikidata.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2lraWRhdGEub3JnL3dpa2kvV2lraWRhdGE6VHdlbGZ0aF9CaXJ0aGRheS9SdW5fYW5fZXZlbnQvRnVuZGluZw==&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=OVNEZ0hxTnJqSE1DSGczdnhCT2NPdTlselczWU9KSDZENTUzSUVIRWtxWT0=&h=12e7cbed25524864ae6780e55bee842e&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZaFAaacHBa1XXlgRscq_crzoGlUi68xQtfbYwMm-_cdbNaheb163x6NaWPPdLeY2s.
As you are hopefully aware, Wikimedia UK has a small grants programme https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org.uk&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93aWtpbWVkaWEub3JnLnVrL3dpa2kvUHJvamVjdF9ncmFudHMjOn46dGV4dD1XaWtpbWVkaWElMjBVSydzJTIwcHJvamVjdCUyMGdyYW50cyUyMCh0eXBpY2FsbHksTGl0ZXJhY3klMkMlMjBhbmQlMjBDbGltYXRlJTIwJTI2JTIwRW52aXJvbm1lbnQ=&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=RWNkVW5FUW0zcUU0NmJTWUtTeHRROTczY0c3QXp4T3pOSnhiZWRsSllGOD0=&h=12e7cbed25524864ae6780e55bee842e&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZaFAaacHBa1XXlgRscq_crzoGlUi68xQtfbYwMm-_cdbNaheb163x6NaWPPdLeY2s. for volunteers, with project grants of up to £250. So you could apply to us instead OR use us as 'match funding' for the WMDE Wikidata birthday pot (which seems to be encouraged), particularly if a larger budget is required.
All best Lucy
-- Lucy Crompton-Reid Chief Executive _______________________________________________ Wikimedia UK mailing list wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0cy53aWtpbWVkaWEub3JnL21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGluZm8vd2lraW1lZGlhdWstbA==&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=L0MvT2diZ2IxTU15ZU4yMkxoRjZ1cEZvSW5hdW52NnNKb2ZLRVZ4WHBjdz0=&h=12e7cbed25524864ae6780e55bee842e&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZaFAaacHBa1XXlgRscq_crzoGlUi68xQtfbYwMm-_cdbNaheb163x6NaWPPdLeY2s WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org.uk&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93aWtpbWVkaWEub3JnLnVr&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=ZDVWdmhjK1FFSmNIZ3o1VGJSMk11ZUE1QVBEazdHM1hrdUN1OTI0NlNXST0=&h=12e7cbed25524864ae6780e55bee842e&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZaFAaacHBa1XXlgRscq_crzoGlUi68xQtfbYwMm-_cdbNaheb163x6NaWPPdLeY2s
Wikimedia UK mailing list wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org
https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saX... WMUK: https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org.uk&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9...