At 23:43 +0000 9/3/08, Alison Wheeler wrote:
On Sun, March 9, 2008 21:59, Ian A Holton wrote:
a) When does the foundation plan to become a charitable organisation?
We apply five minutes after a bank believes we are not in the money laundering business. The AoA/MoA were designed with becoming a Charity in mind and we do not envisage any big problems, but a requirement of the form is details of our bank account and this has become our difficulty to date. As you can imagine we are very annoyed at this delay as much as you all are.
Not since the new lower base rate of Income Tax means that from the new tax year Gift Aid will be worth less, since from 6th April 2008 basic income tax will reduce from 22% to 20% (and the 10% band disappears).
So, you might pay less tax but this means "Wikipedia UK" gets less when it recovers your Income Tax.