ComProj has a nice, large database we call the presslist of press contact details including e-mail addresses.
Is that what you are looking for?
If so, I can send you a copy.
On 24/05/07, David Gerard wrote:
There's a press release going out for Tuesday for a UK organisation working with WMF. So the organisation asked me about addresses to email it to. *ahem* guess who's so used to doing press reactively that he's never actually gathered a press release email list.
We have addresses for the major (and many minor) newspapers, but not for computer/internet press. So far I have the Inquirer (press.releases[AT] and the Register (news[AT] I welcome your assistance with other suitable press addresses.
It would probably be a good idea for WMF to get into the habit of proactive press releases, as we do, after all, have an agenda to push (free content, education, wikis, the stuff in the mission statements of WMF and WMUK). So this'll be useful far and wide.
Note that no-one here has any money for media directories ...
- d.
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