There are no plans to cover travel costs apart from those officially part of necessary EGM business, such as the tellers, staff and trustees who will be there to answer questions and present during the meeting.
For the EGM, proxy voting is available and we will be encouraging advance questions on-wiki from everyone regardless of whether they plan on physically coming to the meeting in order to make good use of Q&A time. Please add to the discussion at
As with any event, funding would be considered to cater for access for members with disabilities or with access difficulties that we have not foreseen. Please email one of the board members in confidence if you would like to discuss your personal situation further.
Discussion at the EGM will be limited to the charity application and the associated, relatively technical, issues. For this reason co-locating at the Wikimeet is intended to help ensure the meeting attracts sufficient members to be quorate (i.e. more than 20).
The wikimeet itself will be interesting for members and the EGM will only be a small part of the afternoon. This will be the first time our CEO will be joining a wikimeet after taking up their appointment (get your tricky questions ready) and we will be celebrating our 50th, so expect to pose for a photograph with a slice of cake. :-D
Cheers, Fae -- Guide to email tags: