Thanks for everyone's recommendations; I've passed as many of them on as I could. I also talked to them for about 30 mins about my edits to Wikipedia (although I keep forgetting how small my enwp edit count is, considering how much time I spend on Wikimedia...) and everything that the UK community + WMUK's trying to do with education at the moment.
Thanks, Mike
On 18 Mar 2011, at 07:28, Michael Peel wrote:
Hi all,
The Guardian Education Supplement's planning on writing an article on the use of Wikipedia in academia, and they're looking for Wikimedians who are also UK-based academics that they can talk to (and also academics that have an aversion to Wikipedia). If you think you'd fit the bill, or know someone that might, please could you get in touch asap? They need to talk to someone today ideally...
Thanks, Mike