At 00:09 +0100 9/9/08, Ross Gardler wrote:
joseph seddon wrote:
It may be worth skulking around the IRC channel for both WMUK and the wikimania oxford bid. Given the close nature in terms of membership between the two, discussion occurs in both channels though we try to direct the right discussion to the right channel.
Sorry. I can't do that. I hate IRC it disturbs the normal pattern of work and makes me totally unproductive. I prefer to catch up on emails when I'm allocating a slot of time to that lists activity.
Having said that, with the speed of this exchange it may as well be on IRC. But I'm off to bed now. So much for my "lurking".
Before I go, let me say it's good to see the list constructive - well done folks!
I agree with the IRC issue.
IRC is not a mode of communication I favour.
And I have only just caught up on some very useful stuff on the wiki...