Googling for "victoria and albert museum donations" gives this page as the first that page it says that you can donate through the Charities Aid Foundation website and it provides a link to their homepage ( Unfortunately the CAF site is an abomination of ASP.Net and there is no way for the V&A or me to link to the specific charity page (or for Google to index it); you have to search for "Victoria and Albert museum" and click on the JavaScript link to get to a non-bookmarkable page giving information on "Friends of the V&A" (which is the charity that deals with memberships and donations for the V&A), Hit the donate button and it asks how you want to pay - including credit cards.
Hope this helps
On 3 February 2010 17:14, David Gerard wrote:
I emailed them asking how to give them a chunk of cash and got no answer in a month. Same from their Twitter. Well done.
- d.
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