I, Tom Lehrer, and the Tom Lehrer Trust 2000, hereby grant the following
> permission:
> All the lyrics on this website, whether published or unpublished,
> copyrighted or uncopyrighted, may be downloaded and used in any manner
> whatsoever, without requiring any further permission from me or any payment
> to me or to anyone else.
> Some lyrics written by Tom Lehrer to copyrighted music by others are
> included herein, but of course such music may not be used without
> permission of the copyright owners. (The translated songs may be found in
> their original languages on YouTube.)
> In other words, all the lyrics herein should be treated as though they
> were in the public domain.
> In particular, permission is hereby granted to anyone to set any of these
> lyrics to their own music and publish or perform their versions without
> fear of legal action.
> This permission applies only to the lyrics on this website. Most of the
> music written by Tom Lehrer will be added gradually later with further
> disclaimers.
> Note: This website will be shut down on December 31, 2024, so if you want
> to download anything, don’t wait too long.
Owen Blacker, London GB
@owenblacker <>, he/him
The British Stammering Association has started running some adverts
that can be seen here:…
They include the text at:
"The way we talk about stammering is wrong so we worked with wikipedia
to make it right"
The edits were made by
and are fairly harmles.
Might be an idea for wikimedia UK to reach out to try and help things
stay harmless (and who knows we might actualy find something to work
together on).
Dear all
I'm very pleased to introduce you all to Natasha Iles, who joined Wikimedia
UK on Monday as our new Head of Development and Communications. Natasha
will be heading up a new team, including Katie Crampton - who has been
promoted to Communications and Governance Co-ordinator - and a new
Fundraising Co-ordinator who we will be recruiting later this year. The
creation of this new team has been made possible, in part, by a grant from
the Wikimedia Foundation to help us to develop our fundraising capacity
over the next three years.
I will let Natasha tell you more about herself, and hopefully there will be
opportunities to meet her over the next few months, albeit probably online
at this stage.
Best wishes
Lucy Crompton-Reid
Chief Executive
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 203 372 0762
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