To all,
I think anyone can see there is no chance we are going to win this. We are
in no position to host a tea party let alone an international conference. I
have tried to co-ordinate a bid as best I can with only sparse access to a
local library computers and email access on a mobile phone. I have spent
many minutes on the phone to people. Do not be fooled: this is not a moan; I
enjoyed it. I thought it was what people wanted and they were prepared to
help. Actions speak louder than words. Yes, it's nice some of you put your
names on that co-ordination page; it's less nice that you then did nothing.
I know you have jobs, lives, and families. So do I. But a bit here, a phone
call there, a bit of research there. It's what I did.
I've made some contacts, and sure I can help out next year if anyone feels
like making a bid, but there is no way I am taking the lead on it like I
seem to have this time. Nobody forced me, this is true; I enjoyed it - but
not when the realisation I was the only one doing anything sank in.
Gary Kirk