I have already translated the Frenc CMS Spip in Reunion French Creole and I am finishing an Haitian version in creole too, for I want to people to have tools in teir own language in those economically poor but culturaly rich countries... Well, today I want to translate Wikitools in those two creole to make wikipedia version in this languages and to create creole dictionary for thes communauty in Indain Ocean and Caraibes.
I would like to know how can i do to start up with my translations, whixh are the tools (software ? website and mailing-list) that i could share with yo to manage this project.
Best regards
Pascale Lemoigne
Pascale, there is already available a Kweyòl Ayisyen version of Wikipedia (with 2 or 3 articles), http://ht.wikipedia.org/ At one time there was a Haitian woman working on it a little, but it's been mostly abandonned now.
As for Reunionnais, I personally think that it's a good idea to have a Wikipedia in it, but I think probably we will get some objections from people who say "il n'est pa un 'lang', est soulement 'patwa'". My guess is based on the results of previous sociolingustic studies, and also the fact that when somebody mentioned "french dialect" somebody else said "There are no French dialects, except perhaps creole which can be considered a sort of dialect".
Also, there is probably going to be some resistance (perhaps subconcious) because "la langue de la République est le français", and some might think people in Reunion would be served better by fr.wikipedia for 2 reasons, 1) "they should have to learn French anyways" and 2) "reunionnais is a patois" or "reunionnais is already nearly identical with French".
The simple truth is that Reunionese is a language separate from French, as are Haitian, Mauritian, Seychellese, Guianese, Amapa, St Lucian, Caledonian, and Chagossian (the status of Chagos itself at the moment means that Chagossian may soon cease to exist as a language distinct from Seychellese, if Chagossians continue to not be allowed in the Chagos Archipelago and are further integrated to Seychelles society).
There are entire websites written in Reunionese (Rényoné), for example http://www.renyone.com/, http://forum.europeanservers.net/cgi-bin/liste.eur?SINTOMER, http://www.temoignages.re/article.php3?id_article=3547...
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 01:55:21 +0100, Pascale pascale@rezo.net wrote:
I have already translated the Frenc CMS Spip in Reunion French Creole and I am finishing an Haitian version in creole too, for I want to people to have tools in teir own language in those economically poor but culturaly rich countries... Well, today I want to translate Wikitools in those two creole to make wikipedia version in this languages and to create creole dictionary for thes communauty in Indain Ocean and Caraibes.
I would like to know how can i do to start up with my translations, whixh are the tools (software ? website and mailing-list) that i could share with yo to manage this project.
Best regards
Pascale Lemoigne
Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
Hello Mark
Mark Williamson a écrit :
Pascale, there is already available a Kweyòl Ayisyen version of Wikipedia (with 2 or 3 articles), http://ht.wikipedia.org/ At one time there was a Haitian woman working on it a little, but it's been mostly abandonned now.
Ok, that is great. I could try to continue this work :)
As for Reunionnais, I personally think that it's a good idea to have a Wikipedia in it, but I think probably we will get some objections from people who say "il n'est pa un 'lang', est soulement 'patwa'". My guess is based on the results of previous sociolingustic studies, and also the fact that when somebody mentioned "french dialect" somebody else said "There are no French dialects, except perhaps creole which can be considered a sort of dialect"
In réunionnais, yes we say the langague is a "patwa" but even for French or English ;) I am a linguist and a French teacher that taught the French language and French littearture in Villers-Cotterêts, the town where François Premier made that "édit ( august 1539)", that law which says "La langue de la République est le français". But, you know, there is today in France a sort of new vision about creole languages. The institutions recognize this languages with the creation of a CREOLE CAPES (degree for teachers in "L'Ecole de la République :") for example ( I use to work for two French Prime Minister, so I know the Frenc administration very well) .
Also, there is probably going to be some resistance (perhaps subconcious) because "la langue de la République est le français", and some might think people in Reunion would be served better by fr.wikipedia for 2 reasons, 1) "they should have to learn French anyways" and 2) "reunionnais is a patois" or "reunionnais is already nearly identical with French".
Non, there is, today in Reunion Island, creole language courses, you know, and it is not a real problem with French. 80 % of the population, and it ws my case, has creole maternal tongue and you can learn Frenc anyway. The 'diglossie" if you have a reflexion about language, is not a true problem.
Linguistic shoes that creole are languages witrh specific structures and you know all romanian langauges are "creolisation" of the latin language. So all, thes arguments can be evaluate with an historical and scientifical position. The issue is politic or not. But there is no troubles with Réunionnais in the French area. I am positive.
The simple truth is that Reunionese is a language separate from French, as are Haitian, Mauritian, Seychellese, Guianese, Amapa, St Lucian, Caledonian, and Chagossian (the status of Chagos itself at the moment means that Chagossian may soon cease to exist as a language distinct from Seychellese, if Chagossians continue to not be allowed in the Chagos Archipelago and are further integrated to Seychelles society).
In fact, and if you have an interest in this language, the truth is that there is a "continumm" between French, a sorte of regional French that some call "Frenc creolised" and creole himself , in La Reunion :)
There are entire websites written in Reunionese (Rényoné), for example http://www.renyone.com/, http://forum.europeanservers.net/cgi-bin/liste.eur?SINTOMER, http://www.temoignages.re/article.php3?id_article=3547...
Thans for having answered so quickly and completly.
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 01:55:21 +0100, Pascale pascale@rezo.net wrote:
I have already translated the Frenc CMS Spip in Reunion French Creole and I am finishing an Haitian version in creole too, for I want to people to have tools in teir own language in those economically poor but culturaly rich countries... Well, today I want to translate Wikitools in those two creole to make wikipedia version in this languages and to create creole dictionary for thes communauty in Indain Ocean and Caraibes.
I would like to know how can i do to start up with my translations, whixh are the tools (software ? website and mailing-list) that i could share with yo to manage this project.
Best regards
Pascale Lemoigne
Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
Pascale a écrit:
Linguistic shoes that creole are languages witrh specific structures and you know all romanian langauges are "creolisation" of the latin language. So all, thes arguments can be evaluate with an historical and scientifical position. The issue is politic or not. But there is no troubles with Réunionnais in the French area. I am positive.
Dieu merci, je commençais à avoir quelques inquiétudes à lire cet échange. Bienvenue parmi nous Pascale :-)