Sorry to bother mods, but when the xrumers find a working link they will go
on until stopped. I suggest whitelisting of current list members and
moderation of messages until at least one from a given sender is approved.
Il giorno sab 8 gen 2022 alle ore 06:56 <meganovi231(a)> ha scritto:
> is a Twitter video downloader lets you save
> videos, which you can then edit or share.
> Twitter has enabled users to post videos to their Twitter feeds for a few
> years now. However, sometimes these videos are only available on the site
> for the first 24 hours after they are posted. With this tool, you can save
> these videos so that you can watch them later or edit them in your
> preferred video editor.
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> Wikipedia-l mailing list -- wikipedia-l(a)
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-l-leave(a)
I was describing to someone how Wikipedia works:
"anyone can edit" etc.
He answered with this argument:
"Wikipedia is the triumph of the average person!
of the man in the street!)"
(average meaning: not good, not bad, just OK)
I asked "why?"
His explanation:
"Great brilliant works are built by individuals.
Groups of people can only create average works.
If someone writes something good in the wiki,
other average persons will intervene with his/her
work and turn it into an average work. If someone
writes something bad in the wiki, the others will
again turn it into something of average value.
with your system (meaning: Wikipedia's system)
you can be sure that you will never create
something too bad but also never something too
good. You can create only average articles."
The idea behind his argument was that Wikipedia
will be a good resource as long as it attracts
good cotnributors. but it will soon become an
average site/encyclopaedia because it allows
anyone to join the project and edit, and most
people are just average persons and not brilliant
Do you think it's true? and how can we answer
this argument?
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Wow, this is really an amazing idea to implement as per my observation. This will give an amazing output as the best painting with an extraordinary colors. I would love to follow the same and post it on my blogs. This will bring the best look to my blog.
I'm Keiichiro Kato
Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Keiichiro Kato 20231007…
利用者‐会話:Keiichiro Kato…
JA Wikipedia:法的な脅迫をしない…
If a legal action is taken, it does not constitute a threat.
We have reported the following to the administrative agencies. Those
involved should follow the rules and "not edit Wikipedia until the legal
matters are completed."
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