For thos in or closer to Accra.
- Enock twitter: @Enock4seth | [[User:Enock4seth]]
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: John Awotwi Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:13 PM Subject: {GDG Ghana} "Think you got what it takes to solve Accra's Energy Efficiency issues? To:
I hope this finds you well.
I want to take this opportunity to invite you to *Negawatt Weekend* on* March 14th-15th* at iSpace. To provide you with some context, Negawatt Weekend is part of the Negawatt Challenge - a global competition to empower communities to *innovate around local energy issues.*
Negawatt Weekend is a *2 day idea-thon!* Participants will form teams around 6 sub themes - all within the scope of energy efficiency in Accra. Teams will formulate workable ideas, which will be pitched in front of a jury. The teams with the most viable ideas will advance to a 3-week 'bootcamp', with training, mentorship and access to office space for the continued development of their solutions.
This is a great opportunity to *network, learn, create, innovate, solve and ignite change* in our communities.
So join us!
*When:* Saturday March 14th & Sunday March 15th, 2014 *Time:* 9am-6pm both days *Where:* iSpace
Please *RSVP *here to reserve your spot: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/negawatt-weekend-accra-tickets-16019747496
I hope you have a wonderful long weekend ahead, and we look forward to seeing you next weekend!*"*