I think will be useful to make next changes in Messages.php.
Help -> {{ns:help}}:
helppage edithelppage enotif_body (is it possible to use helppage there?)
Image -> {{ns:image}}: uploadtext (ns:6, ns:-2 are also used there. What does it mean?)
User ->{{ns:user}} (also User talk:): userinvalidcssjstitle alreadyrolled revertpage autoblocker confirmrecreate
Special -> {{ns:special}}:
versionrequiredtext blockedtext whitelistreadtext whitelistacctext confirmedittext anontalkpagetext nocreatetext rev-deleted-text-permission rev-deleted-text-view prefsnologintext recentchanges-url uploadnologintext uploadtext randompage-url mailnologintext watchnologintext addedwatchtext watchdetails enotif_body revertpage undeletedtext blocklogtext movenologintext exporttext allmessagesnotsupportedUI allmessagesnotsupportedDB importtext
With best regards, Eugene.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Eugene Zelenko" eugene.zelenko@gmail.com Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:14 PM Subject: [Mediawiki-i18n] Plaint Namespace to {{ns:Namespace}} Changes inMessages.php
Image -> {{ns:image}}: uploadtext (ns:6, ns:-2 are also used there. What does it mean?)
ns:6 is the ns:image ns:-2 is the ns:Media