The Wikimedia Language Engineering team is pleased to announce the
first release of the MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle. The bundle
is a collection of selected MediaWiki extensions needed by any wiki
which desires to be multilingual.
This first bundle release (2012.11) is compatible with MediaWiki 1.19,
1.20 and 1.21alpha.
Get it from
The Universal Language Selector is a must have, because it provides an
essential functionality for any user regardless on the number of
languages he/she speaks: language selection, font support for
displaying scripts badly supported by operating systems and input
methods for typing languages that don't use Latin (a-z) alphabet.
Maintaining multilingual content in a wiki is a mess without the
Translate extension, which is used by Wikimedia, KDE and, where hundreds of pieces of documentation and
interface translations are updated every day; with Localisation Update
your users will always have the latest translations freshly out of the
oven. The Clean Changes extension keeps your recent changes page
uncluttered from translation activity and other distractions.
Don't miss the chance to practice your rusty language skills and use
the Babel extension to mark the languages you speak and to find other
speakers of the same language in your wiki. And finally the cldr
extension is a database of language and country translations.
We are aiming to make new releases every month, so that you can easily
stay on the cutting edge with the constantly improving language
support. The bundle comes with clear installation and upgrade
installations. The bundle is tested against MediaWiki release
versions, so you can avoid most of the temporary breaks that would
happen if you were using the latest development versions instead.
Because this is our first release, there can be some rough edges.
Please provide us a lot of feedback so that we can improve for the
next release.
Niklas Laxström
Sorry for crossposting. CLDR data submission has started this week,
we're looking for more translators: so far I have added 23 new
translators who made over a thousands translations and seem happy with
the system.
Instructions are kept up to date at
As you know, Wikimedia projects exist in almost 300 languages;
supporting them all is a big effort so we partner with other
organisations, also via Unicode. One small but visible thing we miss is
that many interwiki links in sidebar (among others) don't offer a
translation of the language name when hovered. This can be fixed: we're
now able to translate 100 more language names in your language.[1]
If you're interested, I can create you an account to submit translations
on the CLDR web tool (within June 14): please send an email[2] to ask
one and I'll follow up with instructions. On CLDR you can translate and
tweak many other things, if you desire; your work will impact hundreds
of software projects.[3]
[2] <>
[3] <>
Hello all,
I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2014.09. This bundle is compatible with MediaWiki 1.23.x and
MediaWiki 1.22.x releases.
* Download:…
* sha256sum: 9cfdc7d4fc87b4cd6f8d1d2e1593b8cd064b7a9a2773c1a6a554304949a609ec
Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at:
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to:
* Talk with us at: #mediawiki-i18n @ Freenode
Release notes for each extension are below.
-- Kartik Mistry
== Babel and CleanChanges ==
* Only localisation updates.
== CLDR ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Update to CLDR 26 (Upstream:
==== Changes ====
* Removed entries from LocalNamesEn.php when identical to CLDR. Right
now, 13 local names are differing from CLDR's, as well as the other
languages, are left to follow-ups.
== LocalisationUpdate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Bug 68781: New hook LocalisationCacheRecacheFallback in MediaWiki
1.24 and above allows to not use the wrong message when a language
itself doesn't have a change but one of its fallbacks does.
== Translate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Regression fixed: Translate's compatibility with MediaWiki 1.22 has
been restored.
* Regression fixed: Fix translation ratios in translatable page
language selector.
* Special:MyLanguage is now in core. For backwards compatibility,
translations of Special:MyLanguage aliases were moved to a separate
file (Bug 69461).
* Bug 67778: Added UserMerge support.
* $wgTranslatePageTranslationULS now works as intended on all
translation pages by removing the language code from the page name.
== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Update ULS data with latest supplementalData.xml from CLDR.
Kartik Mistry/કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી | IRC: kart_
{kartikm, 0x1f1f}
Minutes and slides from the recent quarterly review of the
Foundation's Language Engineering team are available at…
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Erik Moeller <erik(a)> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> to increase accountability and create more opportunities for course
> corrections and resourcing adjustments as necessary, Sue's asked me
> and Howie Fung to set up a quarterly project evaluation process,
> starting with our highest priority initiatives. These are, according
> to Sue's narrowing focus recommendations which were approved by the
> Board [1]:
> - Visual Editor
> - Mobile (mobile contributions + Wikipedia Zero)
> - Editor Engagement (also known as the E2 and E3 teams)
> - Funds Dissemination Committe and expanded grant-making capacity
> I'm proposing the following initial schedule:
> January:
> - Editor Engagement Experiments
> February:
> - Visual Editor
> - Mobile (Contribs + Zero)
> March:
> - Editor Engagement Features (Echo, Flow projects)
> - Funds Dissemination Committee
> We’ll try doing this on the same day or adjacent to the monthly
> metrics meetings [2], since the team(s) will give a presentation on
> their recent progress, which will help set some context that would
> otherwise need to be covered in the quarterly review itself. This will
> also create open opportunities for feedback and questions.
> My goal is to do this in a manner where even though the quarterly
> review meetings themselves are internal, the outcomes are captured as
> meeting minutes and shared publicly, which is why I'm starting this
> discussion on a public list as well. I've created a wiki page here
> which we can use to discuss the concept further:
> The internal review will, at minimum, include:
> Sue Gardner
> myself
> Howie Fung
> Team members and relevant director(s)
> Designated minute-taker
> So for example, for Visual Editor, the review team would be the Visual
> Editor / Parsoid teams, Sue, me, Howie, Terry, and a minute-taker.
> I imagine the structure of the review roughly as follows, with a
> duration of about 2 1/2 hours divided into 25-30 minute blocks:
> - Brief team intro and recap of team's activities through the quarter,
> compared with goals
> - Drill into goals and targets: Did we achieve what we said we would?
> - Review of challenges, blockers and successes
> - Discussion of proposed changes (e.g. resourcing, targets) and other
> action items
> - Buffer time, debriefing
> Once again, the primary purpose of these reviews is to create improved
> structures for internal accountability, escalation points in cases
> where serious changes are necessary, and transparency to the world.
> In addition to these priority initiatives, my recommendation would be
> to conduct quarterly reviews for any activity that requires more than
> a set amount of resources (people/dollars). These additional reviews
> may however be conducted in a more lightweight manner and internally
> to the departments. We’re slowly getting into that habit in
> engineering.
> As we pilot this process, the format of the high priority reviews can
> help inform and support reviews across the organization.
> Feedback and questions are appreciated.
> All best,
> Erik
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Erik Möller
> VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
> Support Free Knowledge:
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Tilman Bayer
Senior Operations Analyst (Movement Communications)
Wikimedia Foundation
IRC (Freenode): HaeB
The next monthly IRC office hour of the Wikimedia Language Engineering
team will be on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 1700 UTC on
We will be taking questions and discussing about our ongoing work,
particularly around the Content Translation project[1], and upcoming
Please see below for event details and local time. See you there.
Monthly IRC Office Hour:
# Date: September 10, 2014 (Wednesday)
# Time: 1700 UTC/1000PDT (Check local time:
# IRC channel: #wikimedia-office
# Agenda:
1. Content Translation project updates and plans
2. Q & A (Questions can be sent to me ahead of the event)
Language Engineering - Outreach and QA Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
[X-posted announcement]
The Language Engineering team of the Wikimedia Foundation has been working
on a tool for easy translation of Wikipedia articles from one language to
another. The Content Translation tool has been in development since early
2014 and in July it was deployed and opened for testing on beta labs. The
tool currently provides an editing interface, limited machine translation
capability, link and reference adaptation and dictionary support. The first
rollout included machine translation support from Spanish to Catalan. Since
then, the tool has been used to create more than 100 new articles for the
Catalan Wikipedia.
On 5 September 2014, the team will be hosting a round-table conversation
with some of the editors from the Catalan Wikipedia who have been using
Content Translation. The online event is scheduled from 1600 UTC to 1700
UTC. We would like to invite everyone to join us (please use the event url
below) and add your questions to know more about this project. The same url
can be used later to view an archived version of the event.
Thank you.
Event Details:
# Event url -
# Date: September 5, 2014 (Friday)
# Time: 1600 UTC (check local time:
Project Details:
# Project Home:
# Announcements:
Language Engineering - Outreach and QA Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Today Nikerabbit discovered has
been fixed recently, IMHO great news. So, a reminder of what you can do
when you see a broken/improvable MediaWiki translation (especially for
the oldtimers used to old workflows).
1) Copy the message text you want to improve or memorise some words of
it (not more than this, please!)
2) Search (1) with the search box at
a) or
b) (it's the same)
3) Refine from there and left-click edit to correct the message in the
same page
4) (Optionally) Continue with more messages