here is the summary of ISO 639-3 annual changes:
Retirements (= the following codes no longer exist)
* 5 simple retirements
** prb / Lua'
** puk / Pu Ko
** rie / Rien
** rsi / Rennellese Sign Language
** snh / Shinabo
* 3 merged retirements
** jeg / Jeng -> oyb /Oy
** skk / Sok -> oyb / Oy
** krm / Krim -> bmf / Bom-Kim
* 1 split language
** kgd / Kataang -> ncq / Northern Katang + sct / Southern Katang
Additions (= the following codes have been added)
* 8 newly created languages not previously associated with another language
in the code set
** gie / Gaɓogbo
** ibh / Bih
** lth / Thur
** npx / Noipx
** nql / Ngendelengo
** szs / Solomon Islands Sign Language
** ukk / Muak Sa-aak
** xdo / Kwandu
* 2 newly created languages created by splitting the previously existing
** ncq / Northern Katang (ex kgd / Kataang)
** sct / Southern Katang (ex kgd / Kataang)
* 8 name updates, either change to a name form or addition of a name form
** blv: Bolo -> Kibala
** bmf: Bom -> Bom-Kim
** cug: Chung -> Chungmboko
** klw: Lindu -> Tado
** krr: Kru'ng 2 -> Krung
** lgn: Opuuo -> T'apo
** ngt: Ngeq -> Kriang
** ovd: Övdalian -> Elfdalian
* 2 denotation updates of a language into which another variety or two was
** oyb (+jeg, +skk)
** bmf (+krm)
Kind regards
Danny B.