Today I watched you guys activities and trying to understand what you guys doing ! So I was impressed.
I wanted to add Burmese to Jquery.ime input list.
What is the first step ?
Thanks Tin Aung Linn
Please watch a 36 minute video about the jQuery.ime:
To learn how to write an input method for language:
To learn how to write and run tests for an input method:
To learn about the design:
If you need more help, just ask :)
Thanks Santhosh
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:22 PM, Enginner Tin Aung Linn <> wrote:
Today I watched you guys activities and trying to understand what you guys doing ! So I was impressed.
I wanted to add Burmese to Jquery.ime input list.
What is the first step ?
Have a look at . In that video, Chris Forno explains the jquery.ime project of Wikimedia and walks through the code.
It takes about half an hour, you'll most probably learn something about JavaScript/jQuery and you'll know how to create an input method at the same time.
Have fun!