FYI, as per rev. 14215
Added: None
Removed: * 'categories1' => 'Category' * 'restorelink1' => 'one deleted edit' * 'subcategorycount1' => "There is $1 subcategory to this category." * 'categoryarticlecount1' => "There is $1 article in this category."
Changed: * 'categories' => 'Categories' to 'categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Category|Categories}}' * 'administrators' => 'Project:Administrators' to 'administrators' => '{{ns:project}}:Administrators' * 'restorelink' => '$1 deleted edits' to 'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|one deleted edit|$1 deleted edits}}' * 'subcategorycount' => "There are $1 subcategories to this category." to 'subcategorycount' => "There {{PLURAL:$1|is one subcategory|are $1 subcategories}} to this category." * 'categoryarticlecount' => "There are $1 articles in this category." to 'categoryarticlecount' => "There {{PLURAL:$1|is one article|are $1 articles}} in this category."