EFF asked us to pass on this invite to local Wikimedians who may be
interested in attending an SF City Hall hearing on net neutrality.
Yana Welinder
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext. 6867
NOTICE: If you have received it by accident, please delete it and let us
know about the mistake. As an attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation, for
legal/ethical reasons I cannot give legal advice to, or serve as a lawyer
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: April Glaser | EFF Activism Team
Date: Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 12:35 PM
Subject: San Francisco: Speak out on net neutrality on Thursday, 11/20
To: Yana Welinder
[image: Electronic Frontier Foundation] Dear Yana,
You are invited to join EFF next Thursday, November 20, for a free public
event on the quickly unfolding national debate on net neutrality
https://www.eff.org/issues/net-neutrality, to be hosted at San Francisco
City Hall.
The event
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/933163 is “Bay Area
Speaks: A People’s Hearing on the Future of the Internet,” where you are
invited to testify at City Hall about why net neutrality matters to Bay
Area communities. Attendees will also receive an update from the lawyers,
policy analysts, and activists who have been working on the front lines to
make sure the FCC takes the right path forward.
Before the hearing, supporters will rally outside City Hall at 5:30pm and
are encouraged to bring cell phones, laptops, and flashlights for a cell
phone vigil and to hold signs and colorful art to demonstrate support for
Internet freedom. Download this image to display on your screen at the
*What:* “Bay Area Speaks: A People's Hearing on the Future of the Internet”
*Who: *Former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps; Amy Sonnie, Outreach Director
of the Oakland Public Library; Jay Nath, Chief Innovation Officer for the
City of San Francisco; Corynne McSherry, Director of Intellectual Property
at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Malkia Cyril, Executive Director of
the Center for Media Justice; Tim Poznar of Fandor.com; and others.
*Date:* Thursday, November 20
*Time:* Rally – 5:30 pm, Hearing – 7 pm
*Where:* San Francisco City Hall
1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place; Room 305
The People’s Hearing comes at a key moment in the debate over net
neutrality. Last Monday, President Barack Obama issued a statement
in support of full, clear net neutrality rules, echoing the demands of the
4 million Americans who have spoken out in favor of the same reforms
throughout the year. The FCC is weighing its options now and is expected to
act as early as December.
It’s time to make sure California voices are heard in the national
discussions.The fight isn’t over yet; come meet us
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/933163 at the front lines.
Hope to see you there,
April Glaser
Activism Team
PS: Can’t make it to the event? We’ll be streaming live
http://sfgovtv.org/index.aspx?page=135 starting at 7pm on Thursday,
November 20.
[image: Footer]
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