So. Everyone is back from Wikimania and hopefully had a good time. Now...
What about our next Meetup? We only need to figure out two things, this
shouldn't take an act of Congress....
Date: I personally recommend the 23rd of August, which is exactly 1 month
from today. We probably can't do any sooner. The 30th of August is out as
that is a holiday weekend. After that we are in September. Maybe Sept 6th,
if we can't do August? As noted before, we're never going to find a time
that _everyone_ can make. HOPEFULLY, we can manage to make these meet ups
more regular so it won't be such a big deal if someone can't make one. I'd
really like to arrange for one every 2 months. We are in the tech capital
of the world, we should be able to manage that little.
Location: There were previous mentions of the possibility of an office
hosting us. Awesome if that can be done (But we'd need a set date). In the
mean time, What other options do we have? It seems that we're more or less
limited to anything within 1 mile (walk distance?) of BART.