Good evening.
We have all been working hard trying to get bylaws finished.
Wikimedia Ghana User Group will need board members for our non profit.
Please, publicly send your nominations for board members. You can post here.
At this time, select someone you know, and trust, can do this thankless unpaid job without drama;
People who have been dedicated to this group, and will put this group first; people, who won't bail when it gets tough;
People who know about the affairs of the Wikimedia movement, and understand where digital technology especially for the open movement is heading.
Now in our initial bylaws, we mentioned that while our group members can belong to other Ghanaian Wikimedia groups, we aren't really sure if it's a good idea for someone sitting on the board of another Ghanaian Wikimedian community to also hold a voting position on Wikimedia Ghana's board.
Maybe we can confer an advisory role. But for some running their own community somewhere to come dictate what we should do with our resources and activities, till date, some of us are not too sure if it will benefit this community.
However, it's a decision worth taking together, and solidifying.
Hence, with this information, kindly start sharing names of who your board members are.
You can use the mailing list. No private messages.
Please note that if you got this via WhatsApp or Telegram, it's the same thing. No need to nominate here also.
Having the names by September 4 will be good.
_ Br Sandister Tei
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