Last month I coordinated a discussion on what you thought would be good for Wikimedia to do by 2030.
Others participated globally too.
The ideas were added to what was also discussed in Berlin to form 5 detailed themes which WMF is going to pursue to better the movement.
In case you haven't seen the list check it out here https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Cycle_2. Thank you so much for contributing! That sums up Cycle 1 and opens up for Cycle 2.
For Cycle 2
1) We are going to review the themes again. When you click each theme, you find out that there's more to them. 2) We are also going to organise an event to engage local partners, institutions and experts.
This will be known as Affiliate-led strategy events and interviews – Why? Because the strategy conversation is a big deal.
If we don't succeed in discovering what will keep us here and effective by 2030, Wikipedia (and other wikis) will become as irrelevant as we have made paperbound encyclopedias (on a lighter note).
You can join the events team to plan the strategy events and interviews. If you have never volunteered for anything this is your opportunity. It will be first come, first served.
As always, internet/food/transport costs will be covered.
If all of this makes no sense to you despite the emails sent so far, and you want to know what this creature called Movement Strategy is about, reach out to me, I will explain things to you via a phone call.
Regards, Sandister Tei
New Media+Journalism | Wikipedia | Purple People linkedin.com/in/sandister-tei