The Wikimedia Language Engineering team announced the launch of the the pilot phase of the Language Maven outreach program during their recent IRC office hour[1]. To kick-off the program, the team hosted an online meeting with some of the Language Mavens where matters related to the scope of the project were discussed. It was also proposed to prepare checklists of the available tools and other related items that can be used by the Mavens as ready-reckoners. Another meeting has been set to be held during the month of May to be followed thereafter by regular monthly meetings. The program has met with a positive response and is expected to bridge the gaps that currently exist between the Wikimedia projects in different languages. The summary of the discussions can be found in the meeting notes[2]. Further discussions will continue on the mediawiki-i18n mailing list.
We would also like to invite more participants into the program. Please sign up by using the form located at the following link: http://hexm.de/LangMavenSignUpForm
More details about the program can be found in the mediawiki page[3] and questions can also be sent to the mailing list or directly to me at: runa at wikimedia dot org
regards Runa
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours/Office_hours_2013-04-10 [2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Language_tools/Language_Team_Plan/Language_Mav... [3] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Language_tools/Language_Team_Plan