This has been the standard for a long time; Gangleri was always careful to tell everybody not to do such things (and IMO, it is obiovus that one shouldn't). Is anyone doing this in new messages on BetaWiki?
On 2/6/07, Daniel Arnold arnomane@gmx.de wrote:
Hi list,
Most of you did probably read that thread (embedded links in UI messages (splitted from "Major flaws...")):
http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2007-January/thread.html#292... http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2007-February/thread.html#29...
(Please read it in order to understand the following)
I now have fixed the internal links in MessagesEn.php and all Message files from A to C (except MessagesAr.php which will follow later).
So my work resulted in these style guidelines for translations:
- Do not use local namespace names in standard message strings. The same
applies for localised wiki markup (like translations of "thumb" and such). Especially something like "Benutzerseite von [[Benutzer:$1|$1]]" (German "user page of ...") instead of "Benutzerseite von [[User:$1|$1]]" is dangerous as the link does not work in wikis with a different name for user namespace (basically all wikis with a default language other than German, canonical namespace links get translated to localised, use {{ns:user}} and such when not using alternative link text or text outside links).
- Do not link article namespace images or or other local content. Something
like "Your [[IP adress]] has been blocked..." is wrong. It has to be "Your IP adress has been blocked...". No other wiki than Wikipedia or a wiki on networking will usually have an article about IP adresses.
- No Cross-wiki/interwiki links. Especially links like "[[w:en:IP adress]]"
are not allowed as well as interwiki link definitions into Wikimedia wikis are removed in default MediaWiki.
- Do not directly link any project pages in messages. Use only the link
definitions such as {{MediaWiki:helppage}}. Do not create new link definitions in your local MessagesXX.php file.
As you probably can imagin fixing all 151 message files takes quite a while and thatfor I call for your help. As well I wasn't able to fix every link (tagged with '# problem with link' in message files). So please retranslate them now.
The broken strings in desparate need for translation are so far (just the Message files from A to C):
- 'blockiptext'
- 'copyrightwarning'
- 'protectedpagewarning'
- 'uploadtext'
- 'protectedtext'
- 'newarticletext'
- 'protectedpagewarning'
- 'protectlogtext'
- 'blockedtext'
- 'protectedpagewarning'
- 'recentchangestext'
- 'uploadtext'
- 'confirmdeletetext'
- 'protectlogtext'
- 'blockiptext'
- 'blockiptext'
- 'confirmdeletetext'
- 'newarticletext'
- 'noarticletext'
- 'noexactmatch'
- 'protect-text'
- 'protectedtext'
- 'protectlogtext'
- 'protectedtext'
- 'uploadtext'
- 'uploadtext'
- 'blockiptext'
- 'recentchangestext'
- 'uploadtext'
- "protectedtext"
- "protectedpagewarning"
- "uploadtext"
- "protectlogtext"
That's all for now.
Have fun, Arnomane
Mediawiki-i18n mailing list Mediawiki-i18n@lists.wikimedia.org http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-i18n