The list of problems [1] was updated yesterday. The localization statistics [2] were updated a minute ago.
[1] [2]
Changes to messages in the period of 2006-05-22 to 2006-06-03:
* "autoredirectcomment" * "editold" * "feed-invalid" * "history-feed-title" * "history-feed-description" * "history-feed-item-nocomment" * "history-feed-empty" * "licenses" (should not be translated) * "wldone" * "sp-newimages-showfrom"
* "gotaccount" – the change is "already got an account" to "already have an account", which should not affect most of the translations. * "nogomatch" – the parameter $2 was added, to replace $1 in one place.
Renamed and modified:
* "uploadnewversion" was renamed to "uploadnewversion-linktext", and the "[$1 x]" text was changed to "x". It was already changed in all the languages. * "undeletedtext" was renamed to "undeletedpage", and changed the parameter ($1 was originally the page name, but now it is a complete link), the "$1 was restored" text is now bold, the text was divided into two paragraphs, etc.