On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 21:12, Mahitgar from Marathi Wikipedia <
mahitgar(a)yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if I am putting my request at wrong place ,Please forward the same
> right people if you happen to know them on my behalf .I here with
> request to make mailman wikimedia mailing list/mailman localisation
> translation facility avaialable at translatewiki.net
> While currently location based one or two mailing lists are available but
> most of Marathi language wikipedians prefer to receive mailing list
> and mailing list moderation in Marathi language.So we will be start using
> wikimedia mailing list only after localisation for marathi wikipedians.
> .Presently we are convincing diverting and training lot of wikipedians
> our wikipedia to work on translation of media wiki and mediawiki
> translations.One is our available pool of editors is already small and
> people from translation background find it difficult to cope up with
> different different environments.
> thank you and warm regards
> mahitgar from Marathi wikipedia
See http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Internationalization (kinda recent)
and http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Managing+Translations (ancient)
In the last month, this list has gained many new subscribers; they are
people who are members of a language support team. As you may understand,
the Wikimedia Localisation team is not able to understand all the
intricacies of the 280+ languages we support at the Wikimedia Foundation.
It is for this reason that we need help and the best way is when people who
are knowledgeable enough provide us with their knowledge.
Recently we have added support for grammatical gender and plural for
JavaScript. As you may know, we already supported gender and plural in PHP
for quite some time. As part of the process Santhosh made an inventory of
the differences between the implementation in MediaWiki and in the standard
for such things, the CLDR. I blogged about the result on the Wikimedia
Foundation blog.
As I also reached out to the Wikipedias of the language that have an issue,
we gained both more people who are interested to provide support for their
language but as relevant, we learned that entering data in the CLDR is
overly complicated. Even our developers, who are also linguists or language
experts have a hard time entering the data for plural support.
Even when there is no information in the CLDR about things like plural
support, we want to support this in MediaWiki. When the information we get
about the rules for plural support are given to us with references either
on the Internet or in publications, it is relatively straightforward to
create a bug report to the CLDR. What we are looking for are people who can
help us with getting the necessary information so that we can implement it
in MediaWiki, have it tested by a language community and then post a bug
report at the CLDR. If need be, our developers can help with the
formulation of plural rules in the format of the CLDR
Another really interesting development was for the Arabic script. We
learned about the Amiri font, a font that supports all the characters of
the Arabic script and consequently is able to support not only Arabic but
also languages like Urdu, Kashmiri etc. We wrote to the developer of the
script and he was happy for us to use his font in a WebFonts implementation.
Not so funny is that we learned that the support of the Arabic script in
MediaWiki is problematic. It turns out that we do not fully comply with the
rules for merging parts of a character (including diacritics). This is not
only an issue for MediaWiki but also for some of the modern browsers. We
will be talking about how MediaWiki is to be fixed with Brion Vibber at the
upcoming FOSDEM conference in Brussels and we have posted bugs for the
At some stage we will have fixed MediaWiki and at that time we will need
people to test their language and see if everything looks as you expect it.
When your language has problems with fonts or input methods, we are quite
happy to support your language as well. For WebFonts we need a freely
licensed font that can be used on all the major operating systems and
preferably on the versions that are still in use (several versions of IE
are technically unable to support WebFonts at all). For input methods we
need a mapping from the international keyboard to the keyboard as expected.
This includes information on the rules of how characters are to be combined.
As a member of a language support team you are VERY welcome to come forward
with requests for the support of fonts or input methods. We do expect your
involvement with both the implementation and the testing. We are also very
appreciative when you communicate this widely in your language community.
As always we can test these things at translatewiki.net. This is where we
run the latest MediaWiki software before it goes into production on any of
the Wikimedia Foundation's projects.
2012-01-16 1800 UTC #10
Time of bugfixes and little improvements. The most important changes:
* Better error checking and handling in Special:Translate
* Translatable page id prefix changed from page| to page-
* Don't reuse messages from core
* Fixed download of Vemana telugu font
* Added font for Ahirani (ahr)
Narayam: Some fixes to Assamese transliteration rules
Core: cropping of text in level 1 headers fixed
Full list: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/tag/i18ndeploy
Here are the plans for next i18n deployment on Monday at 1800 UTC.
Translate extension features
* Message workflow states
* There is now new message group for recent translations intented for
reviewing new translations
* Special:MyLanguage can now be used with language subpage to use that
as the default fallback instead of ntranslated version
* Translatable pages can now be discouraged, meaning that they wont
show up in the usualy places so that translators don't translate them
* Added {{#translationdialog:title}} for creating a link to the
translation dialog
Translate bug fixes
* Fash of unstylized content effect is reduced
* Made the extension work without legacy JavaScript globals
* The summary row in Special:LanguageStats and
Special:MessageGroupStats is no longer sorted with rest of the rows.
* Fixes to the sizing of the translation editor dialog
* Fixed a fatal error that sometimes occured when translation page
title used GRAMMAR and the page was viewed with English UI.
* Parserfunctions ifexist magic word Italian translation fixed to 'ifexist'
* Narayam preference wording changes from disable to enable
* The WebFonts icon no longer overlaps with the menu text
* Consistance updates for grouppage-* messages, for localisation update
* Fixing be-tarask grammar forms
Martijn Dekker nodigt u uit voor deze activiteit: Localisation and
internationalisation bug triage, gepland op 18 januari 2012 om 13:00
(GMT). Klik op de onderstaande koppeling om de uitnodiging te
accepteren of af te slaan.
U bent uitgenodigd voor de volgende afspraak.
Titel: Localisation and internationalisation bug triage
What: Localisation and internationalisation bug triage
When: Wednesday, January 18, 13:00 UTC
Time zone conversion: http://hexm.de/cu
Where: #wikimedia-dev on freenode
Use http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=wikimedia-dev
if you don't have an IRC client
Dear developers, language enthusiasts and others,
This is the announcement of the next localisation and internationalisation
bug triage. I'm sending a calendar item to make it easier for you to put it
in your calendar immediately. If you don't like this format, please let me
know, and it may be the end of an experiment...
Bug Meister Mark Herschberger and I have planned to prepare the issues for
discussion[1] on Monday January 16 at 15:00 UTC. This[1] will also be the
place where we keep notes during the triage. Please send me a mail if you
really, really, really want to be in the preparation Skype call :).
[1] http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/BugTriage-i18n-2012-01
Wanneer: wo 18. jan 14:00 – 15:00 Amsterdam
Waar: Freenode IRC channel #wikimedia-dev
Agenda: mediawiki-i18n(a)lists.wikimedia.org
* smazeland(a)wikimedia.org- organisator
* amir.aharoni(a)mail.huji.ac.il
* Mark Hershberger
* Santhosh Thottingal
* Niklas Laxstrom
* mediawiki-i18n(a)lists.wikimedia.org - optioneel
* Alolita Sharma - optioneel
* Gerard Meijssen - optioneel
Je aanwezigheid is optioneel.
Uitnodiging van Google Agenda: https://www.google.com/calendar/
Je ontvangt dit e-mailbericht in de account
mediawiki-i18n(a)lists.wikimedia.org omdat je een deelnemer bent voor deze
Als u geen meldingen meer wilt ontvangen voor deze afspraak, kunt u deze
afspraak afwijzen. U kunt zich ook aanmelden voor een Google-account op
https://www.google.com/calendar/, zodat u de instellingen voor meldingen
kunt beheren voor uw gehele agenda.
Currently it looks like there isn't going to be any significant new
things to be deployed next Monday.
We will probably enable WebFonts on a bpywiki (bug 33368), gendered
namespace aliases for Russian and pick up any small changes if any
that might come up before the deployment.
The last i18n deployment of the year is exceptionally on Tuesday,
because Monday is a holiday for most of us. The exact time is still
The highlights:
* New help icon for Narayam
* Help link in WebFonts menu going to
** Assuming we get the help page ready by that time
** The page is designed to be translatable with possibilities of
language specific customisations
* Using symbol ⌘ for Mac command key
Commits in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/tag/i18ndeploy
A warm welcome to the members of the Language Support teams who have
subscribed to this mailing list.
The intention is that this list serves as the mailing list where the issues
that are of relevance to Language Support teams are mentioned discussed.
Those people on this list who are not a member of the Language Support team
for their language may consider signing up to become a team member for
their language.
Some news:
- All the languages that requested namespaces that will distinguish in
its name between men and women have been deployed. If your language does
make this distinction and is not supported in this way, please consider
that it is polite to address both men and women as such. When your language
does not have gender support yet at all, please consider that the language
of a localisation flows more natural when such support exists.
- There is support in the Incubator for both Narayam an WebFonts for the
Tulu language. Tulu uses the Kannada script and our information is that
modern Tulu uses Kannada in exactly the same way as the Kannada language.