Hello everybody!
Our next Bay Area WikiSalon is, Wednesday, December 21 at 6 p.m., at the Wikimedia Foundation lounge in downtown SF. See link below for full details and to RSVP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bay_Area_WikiSalon_December_2016
- Sincerely, Wayne Calhoon (and fellow co-organizers Ben Creasy, Pete Forsyth, Stephen LaPorte and Juliet Barbara)
My cell number is: 925-899-4051 <%28925%29%20899-4051> if you need to talk or if something is urgent
+++++ P.S. Any help spreading the word through social media or other avenues is most welcome! We plan to announce this on various sites and invite various groups; if you would like to join in, check our meta planning page, and please note any announcements you are sending out:https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monthly_WikiSalon_in_San_Francisco#Announcem...
Please feel free to add to, refine, reorganize or edit the above linked page: it is a wiki!
We need more helpers and organizers, so if you see a need, please jump in, or talk to us about it!