Cross-posted to wikitech-l and wikipedia-l because I thought there might be wider interest. People reading via Gmane might see a duplicate.
The master database server for the Korean Wikipedia has now been moved to our cluster in Korea. The switch went quite well, with no downtime and only half an hour of read-only time, most of that due to me mucking around with the configuration and fixing bugs. All Apache processing for that wiki is now done in Korea, including serving images. Only commons images are drawn from Florida.
This is a pilot for full utilisation of the Yahoo cluster, eventually we'll move ja and the other East Asian wikis there. For now, the Koreans have a big cluster all to themselves, so they should expect to get pages back faster than you can blink at any time of the day or night. A life of sheer bliss that the rest of us can only dream of :)
-- Tim Starling