This is a hacked version of Marian's Cologne Blue layout. I've tried to address some of the criticisms of Cologne Blue as a default skin, whilst preserving as much of the niceness as I can.
It is intended to * use the browser's native font settings for text and menu link items * show my proposed "ergonomic" layout of side menu items based on analysis of the stats from the new server * otherwise preserve the "clean" feel of Cologne Blue.
The principles for the menu item ordering are:
* Menu item groups are organised by the scope of what they refer to (global, this user, this page, etc.) * Menu groups are organised from top to bottom by frequency of overall use.
*Where there are significant differences in frequency within a group, entries within that group are listed in order of frequency of use. *otherwise, entries within groups are ordered alphabetically.
Notes/disclaimers: *This is a visual mock-up only. *The links don't work, and are generally wrong or nonsense. *This was hacked together in Mozilla's Composer module, which is a poor tool for editing complex HTML. *It still uses tables for layout. *The HTML is tag soup, and probably won't validate. *I've only looked at this layout in Mozilla 1.1beta and Internet Explorer 5.5.
If anone likes this, I can extract the design, and write some valid HTML + CSS that can be used as a template for a new server skin.
Please let me know if you like the layout.
Does it: * preserve what you like about Cologne Blue's looks? * have the menu items in roughly logical and familiar positions? * work on your browser?
Please feel free to suggest changes: this is a work in progress.
Neil Harris wrote:
This is a hacked version of Marian's Cologne Blue layout.
*It still uses tables for layout.
Yeah, we'll have to fix that...
Please let me know if you like the layout.
Does it:
- preserve what you like about Cologne Blue's looks?
Yes! Most importantly, it still feels softer and calmer than the default skin. Less sharp and mechanistic.
Minor points: It might be nice to leave the browser default font _size_ intact for the body text, as well. 10pt is uncomfortably small for me when using Times New Roman (my browser's default font), though it looked good with the sans-serif Verdana.
- have the menu items in roughly logical and familiar positions?
"My options" is still too low, I have to scroll down to get there. In particular, "my settings" (or preferences or whatever it's to be called) should be **way up top** so that a frightened unfamiliar newbie can go right to it.
(I just noticed that there's a new PREFERENCES link up on the topbar -- good! But the fact that I didn't even notice it the first time over might indicate a problem. Also, it might be good to have a consistent terminology -- are they my "preferences" or "settings"?)
I'd prefer to move the Special pages section to the bottom; if nothing else, it's less dangerous to have the bottom portion of that list off the screen than two entire sections of "Page options" and "My options" which you might never even see.
Also I can't find "watch this page" at all, it appears to be missing.
- work on your browser?
Lovely in Mozilla!
-- brion vibber (brion @