I would like to retract the attached email as it seems like there are actually no current request for a code for Hainanese that I was mixing something else up with it
2018-01-30 TUE Phake Nick c933103@gmail.com wrote:
One thing to consider:
- In the previous code application, Hainanese was mentioned as a thing to
consider about before splitting out Teochew. There are currently request for a code for Hainanese which will probably take some times to handle, and I would not expect request for Teochew to surface before that one get created
2018年1月29日 18:26 於 "Steven White" Koala19890@hotmail.com 寫道:
OK. I'm assuming that (a) the concept of closing stale requests as I've proposed is generally acceptable, and (b) that at least in the cases other than Teochew I can proceed.
With respect to Teochew, I'm going to mark it as "on hold/waiting", pending a language code. But if we don't see a new request at SIL in a year, then I'm going to close. Please let me know if that is acceptable.
There are, in fact, a couple of other requests from 2010 still open. There are two requests on different Balochi projects, which I thought should wait until Satdeep finished his investigations into that. There is a request for "Southern Min in Hanji," which I intended to leave sitting until we had a discussion of when different scripts need different projects and when not. But apparently phabricator T165882 https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T165882 says that the community has agreed to a namespace for Hanji, so this can be closed as resolved. There is a request for Wiktionary Pitcairnese https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages/Wiktionary_Pitcairnese that can be closed as stale along the same lines as the others here. And there is a request for Wikipedia Chinuk wawa that is supported by a few pages in the Incubator, so I'm going to mark it eligible.
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Today's Topics:
- Re: Final group of projects with requests lingering since 2010 (Phake Nick)
- Re: Final group of projects with requests lingering since 2010 (MF-Warburg)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:53:21 +0800 From: Phake Nick c933103@gmail.com To: Wikimedia Foundation Language Committee langcom@lists.wikimedia.org Subject: Re: [Langcom] Final group of projects with requests lingering since 2010 Message-ID: < CAGHjPP+tUooqAWcJdrKA+nYNZY3Qi+MZnrJquY0ywOVYamSKfA@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
2018年1月25日 03:49 於 "MF-Warburg" mfwarburg@googlemail.com 寫道:
Well, but it's equally true (and written) that "If there is no valid ISO
639 code, you must obtain one. The Wikimedia Foundation does not seek to develop new linguistic entities".
My understanding on the description of "does not seek to develop new linguistic entities" is that WMF does not seek to develop new language and thus it would like confirmation from ISO standard regulation body, instead of the code itself.
We do absolutely not want to invent our own codes, because that gets
really messy, especially when at some point a language does get a real code.
Why not tentatively use e.g. ISO639-6 code as a working code in incubator or for the project before it could get a 639-1/2/3 code? after it get a code in ISO 639-1/2/3 then it should be possible to move things over. Although all the code change requests have been piled up for years in phabricator but that should hopefully be sorted out one day.