I am the moderator who put Mjbmr on moderation, based on inflammatory communication a couple of months ago. I am also the mod who just approved this e-mail, not reading it as trolling (perhaps because I don't know enough about Kurdish to tell that this is not a legitimate question). I am happy to enforce the committee's preference, if it would like to disallow further input from Mjbmr; it has so far been my impression Mjbmr is contributing in good faith, if impatiently and occasionally disrespectfully, and that moderation is a good compromise.
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 3:43 PM, MF-Warburg mfwarburg@googlemail.com wrote:
Why are these trollish mails still admitted to the list? Am 30.06.2015 00:37 schrieb "Mjbmr" mjbmri@gmail.com:
While ku stands for Kurdish macrolanguage, why kuwiki is written in Northern Kurdish?
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