Dear Language Committee Wikimedia, This is to certify that the articles which written by Mr. MohammadMogoei and his other colleagues (Mogoeilor, Lurvand, Bonevarluri,Sajadlor & Mehramooz) are linguistic and semantic correct andcomplete.My name's Mehdi Moshkriz. I am an assistant professor forLinguistics. My area of specialization is Lori language and New-west IranianDialects. Prof Dr. Erok Anonby and Prof. Dr. Oliver Stegen demand me to verifyand overview these articles.Therefore, I highly verify these Luri articles of Wikimedia becausein my opinion these articles are written carefully, correctly and thoroughly.Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further information isneeded. Your Sincerely,Mehdi Moshkriz, Ph.D.AssistantProfessor of Linguistics