I don't know any "Moldovan", but if the difference between "Moldovan" and Romanian is merely a difference in the alphabet used, we don't even need an external script for the conversions: because MediaWiki already supports such conversions (this function is introduced in version 1.4). This function is currently being used on the Chinese (to convert between traditional/simplified Chinese) and Serbian (to convert between Cyrillic/Latin alphabet) Wikipedia. In fact the situation on zh: is much more complicated than merely a difference in alphabet, and I can assure you that the initial discussion on zh: (e.g. whether to split or not; whether a technical solution is adequate enough) is no less painful than the current one I see here. But as a native Chinese speaker, I think our use of a technical solution to overcome a not-so-technical problem works out pretty well so far and that we did indeed make a correct decision to not to split.
For more info: http://zh.wikipedia.org/ http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Transwiki:Wikimania05/Paper-ZZ1 http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Automatic_conversion_between_simplified_and_t... http://sr.wikipedia.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_Wikipedia