Am I the only one here that is completely an utterly confused?
On 6/27/06, Mark Williamson wrote:
Now, here's some proof of deception.
Jacky/Dpotop claims here that the reasoning behind the proposal to close the Moldovan Wikipedia is that there are no native contributors (which is no longer true exactly).
As this message from an ally of his, Dapiks/Constanteanu shows, this is not the case; rather it is politically motivated:
A inceput un vot pentru stergerea "Wikipediei Moldovenesti", o creatie a unui Evreu-American, cu origini suspecte in Basarabia si care nu vorbeste limba wikipediei la care pretinde a fi sysop. Il cheama Node ue si pentru a crea impresia ca lumea doreste aceasta wikipedie, a apelat la toti utilizatorii rusi care au venit sa voteze de partea lui desi nu cunosc bine subiectul si li s-a spus ca voteaza pentru supravietuirea alfabetului chirilic. Asa a ajuns ca votul sa fie 31 pentru stergerea Mo wiki, si 42 impotriva stergerii - deci in alte cuvinte pentru pastrarea wikipediei in limba "moldoveneasca". Vino si voteaza aici[1] , ca sa sergem acesta creatura cu miros bolshevic, care insulta toti romanii de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului. Node ue le-a spus rusilor sa traduca mesajul lui in limba rusa si sa-l transmita mai departe. Trimite si tu mesajul acesta la toti utilizatorii romani-unionisti sau romani-moldoveni unionisti pe care-i cunosti pe sau Dapiks 23:36, 23 June 2006 (UTC)"
Hopefully some of you can guess what this means, but I will give you a summary of what he said.
He says that a vote has begun for the deletion of the "Moldovan Wikipedia" (in quotes), notes that it is the "creation of a Jewish-American with possible origins in Bessarabia" (Bessarabia is a historical term here used in a derogatory context to refer to the modern-day Republic of Moldova). He goes on to say that the Jewish-American's name is "Node ue", and that this person has "called all Russian users to vote on his side even though they do not know the subject well". He then notes the current number of votes in a belittling manner. He goes on to urge people to come and vote to delete "this ugly Bolshevik creation which insults all Romanians on both sides of the Pruth".
The particularly political part is at the end when he says "Send this message also to all Romanian or Romano-Moldovan unionist users which you know on or"
An urge to spread a message to only people of a certain political background seems unacceptable. Yes, I did post at the village pump of the Russian Wikipedia and request a message to be translated into Russian (according to some Romanians, my message was anti-Romanian and deceptive, however when Dpotop posted a counter-argument, most Russians continued to maintain previous opinions). However, I encouraged EVERYONE to vote, which ultimately included one Russian user who voted for the closing of mo.wikipedia.
On 24/06/06, Jacky PB wrote:
Hello everybody,
Remember, you decided to leave the Moldovan wikipedia freezed, but not
completely deleted. Now, its unique contributor [[:en:User:Node_ue]], is back (probably on school holiday), with his anti-Romanian edits. I cite from [[:mo:Wikipedia_talk:Administrator]]:
<i> Please don't write in Romanian here, write Moldovan. Every time you
write Romanian on the Moldovan wikipedia, god kills a kitten. </i>
No to mention that he initiated a vote to become again sysop, then tried
to falsify the results (because they were not favourable). The current version of the page [[:mo:Wikipedia:Administrator]] is that rigged by Node_ue, but take a look at the history on the vote page [], which shows the true result of the vote according to the original rules set by Node_ue.
After this, he managed to invite the entire Russian wikipedia to take
position on a language they know nothing about here: [[:meta:Proposals for closing projects]]. Take a look at his post here [[:ru:Википедия:Форум/Новости#Moldovan]], and notice the blatant lie concerning the cyrillic script (whereas the problem is in fact the absence of Moldovan editors).
In the meantime, Node_ue is copying articles from to and
pretends they are in a different language.
It must be noted that he is the only one on the entire wikipedia (all
wikipedias took together) to pretend speaking a "Moldovan language" different from the Romanian one. Just take a look at [[:en:Category:User mo]], [[:mo:Category:User mo]], [[:ro:Category:User mo]], [[:ru:Category:User mo]].
Moreover he himself places himself at level mo-2. I can assure you this
guy isn't able to write correct text in Moldovan. Any native Moldovan can tell you the same (in fact, this is why he keeps copying articles from
While no native Moldovan editor exists, the Moldovan wikipedia will
continue to be a political statement that exacerbates nationalisms from Romania, Russia, and Moldova itself, and a playground for clever and stupid trolls.
It should be closed until a native Moldovan editor requires its
re-opening and assumes admin rights.
This argument has already been put forward here [[:meta:Proposals for
closing projects#What decision makers need to know]].
Yours sincerely, [[:en:User:Dpotop]], [[:ro:User:Dpotop]]
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