"MC" == Marcos Cramer marcos.cramer@balliol.oxford.ac.uk writes:
MC> Is disk space really so expensive that we need to be so strict MC> with conlangs? If they are not very big, they are not going to MC> take much disk space anyway.
Disk space shouldn't be the issue. The issue is that a dead wiki is a security risk and a legal liability. It takes sysadmin time and effort to maintain.
MC> Rather, I propose to allow any conlang that is actually used MC> for communication. Three people knowing it well, and a few MC> others understanding it a bit, can be enough for this.
I'd say that any conlang advocates should just go out and create a wiki on another server. I think a conlang would benefit from a more open-ended wiki structure, anyways, rather than the kind of rigid divisions in Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, etc.
A general wiki could have instructional texts, dictionary, translated works, original works, phrasebooks, discussion areas (for practicing the language), news, organizational discussion for meetings & clubs, etc. Of course, an encyclopedia could also be part of the mix.
MediaWiki is kinda hard to set up, but there are a ton of good Wiki engines out there that aren't.
I personally like PmWiki, since it's easily skinnable and extensible, and will run anywhere you can run PHP scripts.
There are a number of free (gratis) hosting services that allow PHP scripts.
Wikimedia is a great public service, but it's not the be-all and end-all of wiki.