Jimmy Wales jwales@bomis.com writes:
Nicolas Weeger wrote:
What about for instance book covers? They are definitely not something you can usually have under a free licence. But fair use probably applies (since the cover isn't the book itself).
What would the "fair use" status of a book cover be in Great Britian?
For book and CD covers, its extremely unlikely to be considered Fair Dealing http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/elib/papers/pa/fair/intro.html
"Posting on a network: Posting of part or all of an electronic publication on a network or WWW site open to the public is not fair dealing and the permission of the rightsholder should be sought in all cases."
http://www.cla.co.uk/media/general-digitisation.pdf "Fair dealing in the digital environment is yet to be defined by the courts, and it would be unwise to assume that any digital copying is fair dealing."