June 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jun 2 16:58:13 UTC 2010
Ending: Wed Jun 30 19:47:24 UTC 2010
Messages: 194
- [Wikimania-l] Open for registration and the invitation letters to Poland?
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Jerry~Yuyu)
- [Wikimania-l] Party and FIFA world cup final
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Jerry~Yuyu)
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Jerry~Yuyu)
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Jerry~Yuyu)
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Jerry~Yuyu)
- [Wikimania-l] Video recordings
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Shiju Alex
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Shiju Alex
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Shiju Alex
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
Shiju Alex
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Everton Zanella Alvarenga
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
- [Wikimania-l] Notification hasn't come to me yet
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
- [Wikimania-l] no...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] Time for each talk
- [Wikimania-l] Time for each talk
- [Wikimania-l] no...
Asaf Bartov
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2010 Review Results
Cary Bass
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
Philippe Beaudette
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Philippe Beaudette
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Philippe Beaudette
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Philippe Beaudette
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
Philippe Beaudette
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information isneedednow
- [Wikimania-l] My Registration
Finne Boonen
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Casey Brown
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
Casey Brown
- [Wikimania-l] Time for each talk
Beatriz Busaniche
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Harel Cain
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Harel Cain
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Harel Cain
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Harel Cain
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Mariano Cecowski
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Mariano Cecowski
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Morgan Chan
- [Wikimania-l] no...
Morgan Chan
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Morgan Chan
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Morgan Chan
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Marcin Cieślak
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Gathering for chapters and potential chapters at Wikimania
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Gathering for chapters and potential chapters at Wikimania
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Bence Damokos
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Titan Deng
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Moushira Elamrawy
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Moushira Elamrawy
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Moushira Elamrawy
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Moushira Elamrawy
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
James Forrester
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
James Forrester
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
James Forrester
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
Tomasz Ganicz
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update (hopefully the last one, honest)
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Privacy of registration data
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] General update
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] My Registration
Austin Hair
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information is needed now
- [Wikimania-l] Notification hasn't come to me yet
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2010 Review Results
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2010 Review Results
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania2010 - Please confirm/cancel your presentations
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information is needednow
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information isneedednow
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule - Update 2
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Time for each talk
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Dorozynski Janusz
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Dorozynski Janusz
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Dorożyński Janusz
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Dorożyński Janusz
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Juliana da Costa José
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Juliana da Costa José
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2010 Review Results
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] Wiki Farm
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Wiki train.
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Samuel Klein
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Samuel Klein
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Cormac Lawler
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Cormac Lawler
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Cormac Lawler
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Cormac Lawler
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information isneedednow
Daniel ~ Leinad
- [Wikimania-l] no...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Wiki train.
Abbas Mahmoud
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information isneedednow
Abbas Mahmoud
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania2010 - Please confirm/cancel your presentations
Gerard Meijssen
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Erik Moeller
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update (hopefully the last one, honest)
Erik Moeller
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Takashi OTA
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Takashi OTA
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
James Owen
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
James Owen
- [Wikimania-l] Schedule?
Pavel Richter
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
Ray Saintonge
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Ray Saintonge
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Ray Saintonge
- [Wikimania-l] My Registration
Ray Saintonge
- [Wikimania-l] Please: at least any schedule information is needednow
Mathias Schindler
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
Manuel Schneider
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
Manuel Schneider
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Manuel Schneider
- [Wikimania-l] Video recordings
Manuel Schneider
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
Piyush Singh
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Piyush Singh
- [Wikimania-l] Quick poll: who's up for the return wiki-train
Jon Harald Søby
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Jon Harald Søby
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Jon Harald Søby
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
Jon Harald Søby
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
Joan Ubeda
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Galileo Vidoni
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Galileo Vidoni
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Galileo Vidoni
- [Wikimania-l] no...
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
Liam Wyatt
- [Wikimania-l] Registration
Liam Wyatt
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
Liam Wyatt
- [Wikimania-l] Open for registration and the invitation letters to Poland?
Mingli Yuan
- [Wikimania-l] My Registration
Mingli Yuan
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
Arkaitz Zubiaga
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
Arkaitz Zubiaga
- [Wikimania-l] trivia night at wikimania
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] Fwd: Privacy of registration data
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] [Foundation-l] Floating a notion: permanent Wikimania committee?
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] Program Schedule
phoebe ayers
- [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2010 Review Results
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
- [Wikimania-l] Registration update
- [Wikimania-l] submission - 111
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
- [Wikimania-l] Regarding the VISA Invitation Letter
- [Wikimania-l] Time for each talk
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] attending 'mania? add yourself to [[attendees]]...
- [Wikimania-l] Fwd: Privacy of registration data
- [Wikimania-l] Wiki Farm
Pierre labrecque
- [Wikimania-l] Gathering for chapters and potential chapters at Wikimania
Lucien leGrey
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Lucien leGrey
- [Wikimania-l] Request for room for a meeting
Lucien leGrey
- [Wikimania-l] Registration still not open...
Last message date:
Wed Jun 30 19:47:24 UTC 2010
Archived on: Mon Jul 5 16:57:40 UTC 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).