[Wikimania-l] Program Schedule - Update 2

Jankowski, Jacek jacek.jankowski at deri.org
Wed Jun 30 13:57:02 UTC 2010

Dear All,


I have a short update regarding the schedule. 

*         The following sessions were moved:
changed with http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule#Education
<http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule#Education> .

*         Regarding time of the talks (someone just asked this question
on the list): Each presentation will be given a 20-minutes (sp -> 15
minutes talk + 5 minutes for Q&A session) or 30-minutes (lp -> 25
minutes talk + 5 minutes for Q&A session) time slot. This information is
available on the page with the schedule. PLEASE, read this information
before posting questions on this list.

*         I have just put more info on the Un-Conference sessions here:
<http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Un-Conference> .

*         Second call for moderators/chairs - we need your help! If you
are going to attend a session "X" and you are knowledgeable in the area
covered in this session you can sign up on our page with the schedule
next to the session "X". Session moderation duties include making sure
speakers are where they need to be, keeping track of time, asking
difficult questions, etc.

*         Next thing that we are going to do is to put in order the
talks in each session so the attendees will know exactly when each
presentation will happen in each block.


Best regards,

 Jacek Jankowski

 Wikimania 2010 Program Chair


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