It starts with lang 'xal' and search term '_H%H' which confused me to begin with.
I made a random language code with several search request:
Several lines of source code:
public static final TipsTeapot tip0= new TipsTeapot("", "en"); public static final TipsTeapot tip1= new TipsTeapot("film%h", "de fr"); public static final TipsTeapot tip2= new TipsTeapot("_н%н", "xal"); public static final TipsTeapot tip3= new TipsTeapot("_yg%", "fr"); public static final TipsTeapot tip4= new TipsTeapot("%æ%р%æ", "os"); public static final TipsTeapot tip5= new TipsTeapot("% н", "uk");
It should show the possibility to use wildcard symbols % and _ and the possibility to search in different language codes at once, e.g. "de fr" But if it looks strange, then I will remove it in the next version.
Indonesian is lang 'id_' the underscore shouldnt be there??
Yes, you are right, id_ here (instead of "id") because of the problems with names in SQLite database. See list of languages in the source code:
I should hide this problem with SQLite from the user :)
Font size of search results is a bit small; hard to pick the desired result.
Ok, I will increase it a little bit.
I downloaded the data and the app now works.