I'm happy to announce the Mobile Wiktionary app for Android is now
available via Google's app store[1]! We do not have an iOS app available
yet, but we'd be happy for other volunteers to join this project to
build it!
This app allows people to browse wiktionary in their own language
anywhere they have digital services for their Android device. BUT: there
are always things which can be improved, and we need to work together to
make this the best dictionary app. Nearly all of the appearance and
content is drawn from the individual wiktionary, via Mobile Frontend, so
this app is a real partnership between the developers and the community.
* The wiktionary app has feedback pages![2] Please leave comments on any
of them! We also track the app store feed back, this list, the mobile-l,
and we are (usually) available on IRC at
* There is a bugzilla product: Wiktionary App[3]. If you see something
you think might be a bug, or a cool feature, or just want something made
a bit more obvious, report a bug for this product and we will try to
respond quickly.
* Each wiktionary has control of how their main page appears as the
'start-up' page for users in their linguistic localization.
MediaWiki.Org has guidance on improving your home page[4]
* Certain features of Mediawiki's standard javascript and css are not
forwarded to mobile devices. This includes common.js. Displays which
rely on common.js will appear broken on mobile devices, potentially
making your community's work completely illegible. Please keep in mind
that appearance is of lower priority than content, and develop layouts
which do not rely completely on js.
[3] This link should find all open bugs reported for the Wiktionary App:
Dear all (i.e. Open Linguistics, Wiktionary2RDF, DBpedia and NIF community),
(Note, that this is not an announcement per se. We would like you to
participate and give feedback, otherwise the workshop might not be
organized. See below for what we need, please answer within a few days).
I have the chance to organize a workshop in connection with the SABRE
conference in Leipzig (http://sabre2012.infai.org/) and the Leipziger
Semantic Web Day (http://aksw.org/Events/2012/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay).
The workshop would be two days (24.9.-25.9.) and it would probably be a
continuation of the Linked Data in Linguistics Workshop held in
Frankfurt in March ( http://ldl2012.lod2.eu/) with a different
topic/attitude of course. This time the workshop would not only be for
researchers, but also industry and commercial consumers of the data
produced by research. Tentative title is "Multilingual Linked Open Data
for Enterprises"
The rough draft of the plan is as follows:
Monday 24th: Code-Sprint-a-Thon (hands-on workshop) and developers
meet-up for DBpedia, LLOD cloud, Wiktionary2RDF, NIF:
- http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Internationalization
- http://linguistics.okfn.org/resources/llod/
- http://dbpedia.org/Wiktionary
- http://nlp2rdf.org/about
Maybe also Spotlight?: http://dbpedia.org/spotlight
The Code-Sprint-a-Thon would invite data providers and non-developers to
attend and give input for this day in form of use cases, wishes, data
and requirements. Result will be more Open Data, more links, more tools,
more LOD. We can even make Data Post Proceedings.
Tuesday 25th:
Presentation of the results of the Code-Sprint-a-Thon
Presentation/Discussion Topics:
- How can we unlock the data created by research for enterprises? What
is missing? How can we build bridges?
- Open-source and open-licences for software has shown that it can be
successful in a commercial environment. How can we transfer these models
to Multilingual Linked Open Data?
- What is the meaning of "Open" in Linked Open Data?
- What are appropriate licenses for research data? CC-BY + SA? + NC? +
ND? (following the discussion on this thread:
In parallel, there will be the Leipziger Semantic Web Day:
http://aksw.org/Events/2012/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay so you can hop
conferences on the second day.
Steven Moran will help me organize the workshop. We would need feedback
in the following way:
Please tell us as soon as possible,
- if you would attend (fee is 80 Euros for one day and 150 for 2 days,
10 Euro for students).
- if you would act as a sponsor (we will use your money mainly to bring
developers in, who need financial aid).
- if you would like to give a presentation have ideas about topics, we
should discuss.
- if you would like to become a chair/organizer of this workshop (we are
looking for chairs in each of the areas, possibly having more than 10
active chairs/organizers in the end).
You can cross-post lists (if pertinent), reply to your own list or send
us private messages: hellmann(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de, steve.moran(a)lmu.de
Decisions will be made within the next few days.
All the best,
Sebastian (Hellmann) and Steven (Moran)
Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://dbpedia.org
Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann
Research Group: http://aksw.org