This evening, on meta, Perl blocked a user, with the ip adress of for one hour. The motive given is "vandal".
Here is the only edit of the guy on meta
Perl reverted this edit using roll back feature
Then blocked the editor
* 23:04, 15 Apr 2004, Perl blocked (expires 00:04, 16 Apr 2004) (contribs) (unblock) (vandal)
The so called vandal is an english user
I see no evidence on his page that he is a vandal.
I unblocked the user on meta and put a note on his english page.
I asked Perl on irc why he had done so
his answers were
AlexanderStaggeringFluffy: he hasn't made any contributions except vandalising the address listing
Alexander it was only for 1 hour
Alexander i thought he was trollkein
I have not unsysoped Perl.
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--- Anthere wrote:
I asked Perl on irc why he had done so
his answers were
You missed some out. (timestamps are UTC+1; and StaggeringFluffy is Anthere, in case you're confused).
[23:18] <Alexander> StaggeringFluffy: he hasn't made any contributions except vandalising the address listing [23:18] <Alexander> it was only for 1 hour [23:18] <Alexander> i thought he was trollkein [23:20] <sannse> look again at his contributions Alex, just adding of a name to [[Wikipedians by age]] as far as I can see [23:20] <StaggeringFluffy> which vandalism ? [23:20] <StaggeringFluffy> are you aware he is a regular en user ? [23:20] <Alexander> my mistake [23:20] <Alexander> i was hyper [23:20] <Alexander> hypercautios
[23:22] <StaggeringFluffy> Alexander [23:22] <StaggeringFluffy> this user was not vandalising anything [23:22] <StaggeringFluffy> he was only adding his name on a listing name [23:23] <StaggeringFluffy> plus, one contribution is hardly proof of vandalism [23:23] <StaggeringFluffy> there was no reason to confuse him with trollkein [23:23] <StaggeringFluffy> there is no hurry for anything Alex [23:23] <StaggeringFluffy> you do not need to be hypercautious [23:24] <Alexander> sorry it won't happen again
(Perl admitted he made a mistake and said it wouldn't happen again)
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fabiform wrote:
(Perl admitted he made a mistake and said it wouldn't happen again)
The issue is not whether or not he apologises every time he makes a mistake. We know that he does apologise regularly. The issue is whether he will do it again, or something similar. Perl's judgement is not sufficient, he has to be watched all the time.
-- Tim Starling
--- Tim Starling wrote:
fabiform wrote:
(Perl admitted he made a mistake and said it wouldn't happen again)
The issue is not whether or not he apologises every time he makes a mistake. We know that he does apologise regularly. The issue is whether he will do it again, or something similar. Perl's judgement is not sufficient, he has to be watched all the time.
-- Tim Starling
I just like fairness, his apology and more importantly his acknowledgement that he made a mistake should be considered along with his other actions. I don't see either as often as I'd like on wikipedia.
I have no idea how he felt justified in banning someone who'd made only one edit, we don't block the obvious vandals that fast on en (not that this was even a case of vandalism). I opposed him for sysopship on en, and I'm not happy with him as a sysop on meta either (although the previous policy meant that mav was perfectly correct to grant him that).
I'm not sure though (trying to look past my bias againt him) whether my reasons for opposing granting Perl sysopships are sufficient to support de-sysoping him. Does that make sense? Somehow there seems to be a gulf between the two in my mind. Given time I suppose Perl will prove us wrong, or make it abundantly obvious that he cannot be trusted to be a sysop.
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On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 11:15:14AM +1000, Tim Starling wrote:
fabiform wrote:
(Perl admitted he made a mistake and said it wouldn't happen again)
The issue is not whether or not he apologises every time he makes a mistake. We know that he does apologise regularly. The issue is whether he will do it again, or something similar. Perl's judgement is not sufficient, he has to be watched all the time.
If someone does not feel the responsibility of the power given then he should not have the power itself.
I am a sysop. I never have banned anyone without asking at least 3 times before, and since there wasn't any case that I needed 3 warnings, I never have banned anyone so far.
I expect any people with power (sysops, devels, whoever) to act responsibly, *think three times* before acting. The WikiWiki concept is to let people to do what they wish as long as it is completely sure that their intentions are bad, and going to stay that way. I expect sysops honouring that, and I expect that sysops who doesn't losing their power.
Irresponsible but helpful people doesn't need sysop power to submit articles and changes. Neutral people doesn't need it either, there is life without power. Sysopship should be *restricted to* careful, responsible people. Preferably proven careful, responsible people. It is a tough goal but should be tried anyway...
I don't know perl and I am not involved. Reading all the mails here he should be desysopped, and stay that way, because he is helpful but neither careful nor responsible. This is valid for anyone using his/her/its power irresponsibly or without maximal possible care.
My 0.013 euros.
Peter [[user:grin]]
ps: He created power, thus He created war.