I use another method to know the number of pages. i do: http://es.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?action=index (for example, with the spanish version)
By the way, i truly need help with the catalan wikipedia... see meta.wikipedia.com. Now i have trolls too writing stupid jokes instead of articles :(.
On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Tuxisuau wrote:
By the way, i truly need help with the catalan wikipedia... see meta.wikipedia.com. Now i have trolls too writing stupid jokes instead of articles :(.
For this, I think we need to designate a *small* number of trusted individuals to ban the IP numbers of the vandals, and we need to draw up some broad *practical* guidelines about what a "bannable offense" is that people on the non-English Wikipedias can use. (*Please* let's not get into a debate about the latter right now. I and others who are more interested in doing *work* for Wikipedia have more important things to do with our time than get into such a debate--you know, things like getting the website running. At some point, we will have that debate, though.)