I noticed that Quercusrobur was writing articles with lots of boxes in them, and changed them to apostrophes. So I wrote him a note on his talk page including a row of box characters (which I generated with "160 128 do i emit loop"; I have no way to type them). I just checked the page and all the boxes have been turned into question marks! So I have three questions:
1. How do people write articles with boxes?
2. The people who write articles with boxes don't see them as boxes. They see them as apostrophes, dashes, ellipses, etc. How do we explain to them how to avoid writing boxes?
3. What changed the boxes to question marks?
At 01:32 AM 9/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
I noticed that Quercusrobur was writing articles with lots of boxes in them, and changed them to apostrophes. So I wrote him a note on his talk page including a row of box characters (which I generated with "160 128 do i emit loop"; I have no way to type them). I just checked the page and all the
have been turned into question marks! So I have three questions:
How do people write articles with boxes?
The people who write articles with boxes don't see them as boxes. They
them as apostrophes, dashes, ellipses, etc. How do we explain to them how to avoid writing boxes?
- What changed the boxes to question marks?
The other day I tried out Jaguar (Apple's new 1 gigabyte operating system) and suddenly the [[China/temp]] page blossumed with all sorts of neat Chinese characters. I think if your browser doesn't recognise a character it may render it as a box or question mark.
Pierre Abbat wrote:
- What changed the boxes to question marks?
There is no "box" charachter in ISO 8859-1. The boxes is your browser's way to display an unknown or invalid character. Another browser might display a question mark there instead. Do not use "box" characters.
On Monday 02 September 2002 07:55, Lars Aronsson wrote:
Pierre Abbat wrote:
- What changed the boxes to question marks?
There is no "box" charachter in ISO 8859-1. The boxes is your browser's way to display an unknown or invalid character. Another browser might display a question mark there instead. Do not use "box" characters.
They were changed by Koyaanis Qatsi at 14:57 Aug 31, 2002. What program did he use that changed them into question marks?