I carried over Jimbo's block on 24's IP to Lee's software right after the change-over (this was the only IP I transfered because this was the only one Jimbo blocked himself).
Jimbo, was this block intended to be for life? If not I will remove it based on your and/or the list's assessment on how long the block should last.
Daniel Mayer wrote:
Jimbo, was this block intended to be for life? If not I will remove it based on your and/or the list's assessment on how long the block should last.
I don't care one way or the other. He never emailed me or anyone else to complain. I think the block just proved to him that he was right all along, and he'll never be back.
We might as well get rid of it. If he comes back and behaves, that's fine. But if he comes back and annoys us in the slightest, we know how to get rid of him.