For the record, I don't think that Helga is particularly anti-Semitic -- although she often comes off that way. My take is that she pretty much discounts anything that distracts from or in any way disproves her assertion that non-Jewish Germans were the biggest victims of WWII. For her the Holocaust is minor -- as are the Stalinist purges that ran into the tens of millions -- except those directed towards the Heimatvertriebene. This also keeps her from seeing that there may have been long-standing resentments caused by German actions over a long period of time and began well before Hitler -- not that this is a reason for genocide or any other wartime or post-war atrocity. She just seems incapable of seeing any of this in context because she's got her own agenda that borders on obsession.
It's because she can't see context that the rest of us have to judge and weigh what she says in terms of the big picture, and then make sure that it gets appropriate mention -- but sometimes not at all is appropriate.